以第一作者或通訊作者發表科研論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄5篇,EI收錄7篇。獲授權發明、實用新型專利各5項。 [1] C.L. Lu, Q.S. Li, S.H. Huang, F.B. Chen, X.Y. Fu. Large Eddy Simulation of Wind Effects on a Long-span Complex Roof Structure. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012,100: 1-18.(SCI收錄) [2] C.L. Lu, Q.S. Li, S.H. Huang. Evaluation of wind loads and wind induced responses of a super-tall building by large eddy simulation. Wind and Structures, 2016,23: 212-350.(SCI收錄) [3] Qiang Wang, Hua-Lin Song, Chun-Ling Lu*, Wan-Xu Zhu and Jia-Zhu Huang . Experimental Study of the Relaxation Properties of Carbon FiberCloth[J]. materials, 2020, 13:1-17.(SCI收錄) [4] Chun-Ling Lu, Yi-Peng Xiao, Qiang Wang*, Wan-Xu Zhu. Study on axial compressive properties of RC square columns strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets[J]. Structures, 2020, 27:2011-2024.(SCI收錄) [5] Qiang Wang, Hua-Lin Song, Chun-Ling Lu*, Ling-Zhi Jin. Shear performance of reinforced ultra-high performance concrete rectangular section beams[J]. Structures, 2020, 27: 1184-1194.(SCI收錄) 授權發明專利 (1)盧春玲、王強、吳有勝,一種測試FRP布應力松弛的試驗裝置, 2018.07.03,中國,ZL201610226567.X (2)盧春玲、王強、吳有勝,一種測試FRP布應力松弛的試驗方法,2018.07.03,中國,ZL201610226635.2 (3)盧春玲、王強、朱萬旭、魏峰、吳有勝,預應力碳纖維布加固鋼筋混凝土方柱施工方法,2018.09.20,中國,ZL201611066677.0 (4)盧春玲、劉傳超、王強、朱萬旭,一種預應力纖維布加固梁張拉錨固裝置的施工方法,2020.12.22,中國,ZL201810582805.X (5)盧春玲、李柏林、王強、朱萬旭,一種多層預應力纖維布加固梁的張拉和錨固裝置,2020.10.09,中國,ZL201910295755.1