承擔主要項目 |
科研項目與獲獎 [1]國家自然科學基金重點項目:名稱:中國南海典型深海土的介質重構、組構表征與工程力學特性;批準号: 51939011,執行期: 2020.01-2024.12,經費300萬元,第一參與 [2]國家自然科學基金面上項目:項目名稱:成層土邊坡中的優勢流機理及其對邊坡穩定性的影響;批準号: 41877269,執行期: 2019.01-2022.12,經費62萬元,主持 [3]中國科402永利手机版青年創新促進會會員,執行期: 2020.01-2023.12,經費80萬元,主持 [4]國家重點研發計劃項目(2019YFC1509800)子課題“膨脹土滑坡和工程邊坡實時監測方法和早期預警技術”,批準号:2019YFC1509802, 執行期: 2020.01-2023.12,經費281萬元,參與 [5]國家自然科學基金面上項目:項目名稱:非飽和成層土邊坡中漏鬥型優勢流的發生機理及其穩定性問題;批準号:11302243,執行期: 2014.01-2016.12. 經費26萬元,主持 [6]國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,含天然氣水合物土試樣人工制備過程中的水份遷移效應研究,批準号: 41602312,執行期: 2017.01-2019.12, 20萬,參加 [7]國家自然科學基金面上項目,土體凍脹過程中的物理化學效應,批準号: 41572293,執行期: 2016.01-2019.12. 79.2萬,參加 [8]國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,土體中水合物相變過程的核磁共振實驗研究與相平衡模型的建立,批準号: 41502301,執行期: 2016.01-2018.12, 經費21萬,參加 [9]國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,孔隙溶液對非飽和粘性土工程力學特性影響的物理化學機制,批準号: 11502276,執行期: 2016.01-2018.12, 24萬,參加 [10]國家自然科學基金青年項目,非飽和成層土邊坡中漏鬥型優勢流的發生機理及其穩定性問題,批準号: 11302243,執行期: 2014.01-2016.12, 26萬,主持 [11]國家自然科學基金面上項目,零有效應力狀态下飽和砂土流動特性及液化大變形的試驗研究,批準号: 51379067, 2014.01-2017.12, 80萬,參加 [12]國家自然科學基金重點項目,含天然氣水合物土的關鍵試驗技術與工程力學特性研究,批準号: 51239010,執行期: 2013.01-2017.12, 290萬,參與 [13]國家自然科學基金面上項目,前期降雨曆史對非飽和土邊坡穩定性的影響,批準号: 11072255,執行期: 2011.01-2013.12, 46萬,參與 [14]國家自然科學基金面上項目,任意含水量變化路徑下非飽和土中滲流與變形的耦合作用,批準号: 10872211,執行期: 2009.01-2011.12. 39萬,參與 [15]浙江省科學技術進步獎三等獎, “爆炸法處理深厚淤泥質軟基的關鍵技術研究.”完成人:李永和,韋昌富,江禮茂,陳盼等,證書編号:2014-J-3-119-R04. |
主要 成果 |
發表論文: 第一作者論文 [1]陳盼,向銳,魏小棋,韋昌富,王吉利(2020).考慮土水吸附效應的粘土收縮曲線方程,上海交通大學學報,54(8): 866-872. (EI) [2]Pan Chen, Ning Lu, and Changfu Wei. (2019). “General scanning hysteresis model for soil-water retention curves”.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,145(12), 04019116. (SCI). [3]Pan Chen, and Ning Lu. (2019). “Closure to “Generalized Equation for Soil Shrinkage Curve”.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,145(7), 07019012. (SCI). [4]Pan Chen,Ning Lu, Giuseppe Formetta, Jonathan W. Godt, and Alexandra Wayllace. (2018). “Tropical storm-induced landslide potential using combined field monitoring and numerical modeling.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,144(11): 05018002, 1-12. (SCI) [5]Pan Chen, and Ning Lu. (2018). “Generalized equation for soil shrinkage curve.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,144(8), 04018046, 1-10. (SCI). [6]Pan Chen, Benjamin Mirus, Ning Lu, and Jonathan W. Godt. (2017). “Effect of hydraulic hysteresis on the stability of infinite slopes under steady infiltration.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,143(9), 04017041, 1-10. (SCI) [7]Pan Chen, Jie Liu, Changfu Wei, Wenjiao, Xue, and Huihui, Tian.(2017). “Approach to rapidly determining the water retention curves for fine-grained soils in capillary regime based on the NMR technique.”Journalof Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,143(7), 04017032, 1-7. (SCI) [8]PanChen,Changfu Wei, Panpan Yi, and Tiantian Ma. (2017). “Determination of hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils based on nonequilibrium multistep outflow experiments.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,143(1), 04016087, 1-10. (SCI) [9]Pan Chen, and Changfu Wei. (2016). “Numerical procedure for simulating the two-phase flow in unsaturated soils with hydraulic hysteresis.”International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE,16(1), 04015030, 1-13. (SCI) [10]Pan Chen, Changfu Wei, and Tiantian Ma. (2015). “Analytical model of soil-water characteristics considering the effect of air entrapment.”International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE,15(6), 04014102, 1-10.(SCI) [11]Pan Chen, Changfu Wei, Jie Liu, and Tiantian Ma. (2013).“Strength theory model of unsaturated soils with suction stress concept.”Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 756854, 1-11. (SCI) [12]Pan Chen, Changfu Wei, Jie Liu, and Wenjiao Xue. (2016). “Evolution of soil water in silt soils based on NMR technique[C]”,Proceedings of the 6thAsia-Pacific conference on saturated soils, Guilin, China, Unsaturated soil mechanics-from theory to practice, 181-184. (ISTP) [13]陳盼,韋昌富,魏厚振,馬田田. (2013).殘留含氣量影響的非飽和多孔介質流動過程[J],岩石力學與工程學報, 32(7), 1426-1433. (EI) [14]Pan Chen, Changfu Wei, Jili Wang, Houzhen Wei, and Tiantian Ma. (2013). “Effect of air entrapment on unsaturated flow in porous media [C].”Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications, Springer, 399-407. (EI) [15]陳盼,韋昌富,王吉利,伊盼盼,曹華峰. (2012). 近飽和條件下非飽和多孔介質滲流過程的數值分析[J],岩土力學,33(1):295-300. (EI) [16]陳盼,韋昌富,李永和,王吉利,馬田田,魏厚振. (2012).結構性黏土的壓縮變形特性[J],岩土力學, 33(Supp.2): 29-36. (EI) [17]陳盼,李永和,王吉利,韋昌富,吳二林,顔榮濤.(2012).爆炸擠淤作用對海相軟黏土壓縮特性的影響[J],岩土力學, 33(Supp.1): 49-55. (EI) [18]陳盼,魏厚振,李幻,徐炎兵,韋昌富. (2010).多孔介質中兩相流動過程的毛細滞回效應[J],岩石力學與工程學報, 29(10): 2148-2158. (EI) [19]陳盼,韋昌富,李幻,陳輝,魏厚振. (2010).複雜水力路徑下非飽和流動的數值分析[J],岩土力學, 31(Supp.2): 383-389. (EI) 通訊作者論文 [20] Jie Liu,Pan Chen, and Wentao Li. (2018). “Assessing hydraulic Hysteresis Models to Characterize Unsaturated Flow Behavior under Drying and Wetting Conditions.”International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE,18(7), 04018080, 1-8. (SCI) (IF=2.332) [21]盧海鋒,陳盼,韋昌富. (2017).脫濕條件下黏性土吸力強度演化規律極其微觀機理,岩土力學, 38(S2), 145-150. 合作作者論文 [22] Tiantian Ma, Changfu Wei,Pan Chen., and Wentao, Li. (2018). “Chemo-mechanical coupling constitutive model for chalk considering chalk-fluid physicochemical interaction.” Géotechnique,doi: 10.1680/jgeot.17.17.P.115, 1-12. (SCI) (IF=2.982) [23] Huihui Tian, Changfu Wei, Yuanming Lai, andPan Chen. (2017). “Quantification of water content during freeze–thaw cycles: a nuclear magnetic resonance based method.”Vadose Zone Journal,doi: 10.2136/vzj2016.12.0124, 1-12. (SCI) (IF=2.710) [24] Tiantian Ma, Changfu Wei, Xiaolong Xia, andPan Chen. (2017). “Constitutive model of unsaturated soils considering the effect of intergranular physicochemical forces.”Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,142(11), 04016088, 1-14. (SCI) (IF=1.799) [25] Tiantian Ma, Changfu Wei; Xiaolong Xia; Jiazuo Zhou; andPan Chen. (2017). Soil Freezing and Soil Water Retention Characteristics: Connection and Solute Effects. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 31(1), D4015001,1-8. (SCI) (IF=1.197) [26]Wenjiao Xue,Pan Chen, Changfu Wei. (2016). “Strength behaviors of the unsaturated silty clay based on ring shear test [C].”Proceedings of the 6thAsia-Pacific conference on saturated soils, Guilin, China, Unsaturated soil mechanics-from theory to practice, 305-308. (ISTP) [27]Tiantian Ma,Changfu Wei,Pan Chen,Houzhen Wei. (2014). “Implicit scheme for integrating constitutive model of unsaturated soils with coupling hydraulic and mechanical behavior.”Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 35(9), 1129-1154. (SCI) (IF=0.636) [28] Huihui Tian,Changfu Wei, Houzhen Wei, Rongtao Yan, andPan Chen. (2014). “An NMR-based analysis of soil-water characteristics.”Applied Magnetic Resonance,45, 49-61. (SCI) (IF=0.835) [29]Tiantian Ma,Changfu Wei,Pan Chen,Huihui Tian, and De’an Sun. (2013). “A unified elastoplastic model of unsaturated soils considering capillary hysteresis.”Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 537185, 1-15. (SCI) [30]LiuJie, Hailin Yao,Pan Chen, Zheng Lu, and Xingwen Luo. (2013). “Theoretical analysis and experimental study of subgrade moisture variation and underground anti-drainage technique under groundwater fluctuations.”Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 703251, 1-8. (SCI) [31]馬田田,韋昌富,夏曉龍,陳盼. (2017). NaCl溶液對土體凍結特征影響的試驗研究[J].岩土力學, 38(7): 1919-1925. [32]伊盼盼,牛聖寬,韋昌富,陳盼. (2016).基于動态多步流動法的非飽和土水力特性測試研究[J].岩土工程學報, 38(10): 1797-1801, 406. [33]周家作,韋昌富,魏厚振,陳盼. (2016).線熱源法測量凍土熱參數的适用性分析,岩土工程學報,38(4): 681-687. [34]魏厚振,周家作,韋昌富,陳盼. (2016).飽和粉土凍結過程中的水分遷移試驗研究[J].岩土力學, 37(9): 2547-2552, 2560. [35]王吉利,陳盼,劉金龍,韋昌富. (2016).軟土固結系數刍議[J]. 冰川凍土, 38(4): 904-908. [36]馬田田,韋昌富,陳盼,夏曉龍. (2015). NaCl溶液對土體持水特性影響的試驗研究[J].岩土力學, 36(10): 2831-2836. [37]馬田田,韋昌富,陳盼,李文濤.(2014).考慮殘餘含氣量的非飽和土的水力耦合本構模型[J].岩土力學, 35(12): 3415-3420. (EI) [38]田慧會,韋昌富,魏厚振,陳盼,程方權.(2014).壓實黏質砂土脫濕過程影響機制的核磁共振分析[J].岩土力學, 35(8): 2129-2136. (EI) [39]劉豔,韋昌富,房倩,陳盼. (2014).非飽和土水-力本構模型及其隐式積分算法[J].岩土力學, 35(2): 365-370, 406. [40]張立,柴壽喜,陳盼,魏厚振,謝明鳴. (2013).回填土場地基坑開挖對周邊環境影響的監測分析[J].桂林理工大學學報, 33(4): 677-683. [41]馬田田,韋昌富,陳盼,魏厚振,伊盼盼. (2012).非飽和土毛細滞回與變形耦合彈塑性本構模型[J].岩土力學, 33(11): 3263-3270. [42]伊盼盼,韋昌富,陳盼,馬田田. (2012). 測定非飽和土水力參數的一步流動方法研究[J].岩土力學, 33(4): 1025-1030. [43]馬田田,韋昌富,李幻,陳盼,魏厚振. (2011). 考慮毛細滞回效應的非飽和多孔介質滲流與變形耦合本構模型[J].岩土力學, 32(Supp.1): 198-204. [44]李幻,韋昌富,陳輝,陳盼,伊盼盼. (2011). 孔隙介質毛細滞回簡化模型研究[J].岩土力學, 32(9): 2635-2639. [45]魏厚振,顔榮濤,陳盼,田慧會,吳二林,韋昌富. (2011).不同水合物含量含二氧化碳水合物砂三軸試驗研究[J].岩土力學, 32(Supp.2): 198-203. [46]魏厚振,韋昌富,顔榮濤,吳二林,陳盼. (2011).海底擴散體系含天然氣水合物沉積物制樣方法與裝置[J].岩土力學, 32(10): 2972-2976. [47]魏厚振,顔榮濤,韋昌富,吳二林,陳盼,田慧會. (2011).含天然氣水合物沉積物相平衡問題研究綜述[J].岩土力學, 32(8): 2287-2294, 2306. [48]陳輝,韋昌富,陳盼,伊盼盼,顔榮濤. (2010).一種測定非飽和土-水力學參數的方法[J].岩土力學, 31(10): 3348-3353. 知識産權: [1]陳盼,韋昌富,李永和.一種三軸固結-剪切試驗的體變連續監測裝置(ZL201220251122.4),實用新型專利. [2]陳盼,結構性粘土力學與變形特性模拟軟件(SCCM)V1.0 (2015SR099140),軟件著作登記. [3]陳盼,非飽和土循環土水特性分析軟件(UCSW)V1.0 (2015SR099455),軟件著作登記. [4]陳盼,多孔介質完整水力路徑模拟軟件(PHPM)V1.0 (2015SR099572),軟件著作登記. |